Anti Corruption Court to Engage Users
Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo, the Hon. Deputy Chief Justice
KAMPALA. The Anti-Corruption Division of the High Court will on Thursday (December 7, 2017), engage the public and other stakeholders at Court Open Day.
This will be part of the activities to mark the 2017 Anti-Corruption Week. This year'sAnti-Corruption Week, running under the theme: "RestoringIntegrity in Public service, Regaining public trust in the fight againstcorruption,"started on December 4 and it will climax on December 9, 2017.
The Hon. Deputy Chief Justice, Hon.Justice Alphonse Owiny Dollo, is expected to preside over the Open Day at the Court based in Kololo in Kampala, and will be used as a platform to generate feedback from the public.
The Court's Deputy Registrar, HW Susan Kanyange, said the 2017 commemoration seeks to mobilize the support of the public to be proactive in the fight against corruption.
She adds that corruption is a serious crime that can undermine social and economic development in all societies and that this day is a platform for all stakeholders to see how to restore integrity in public service.
Other activities for the campaign include developing and distribution of anti-corruption materials, launch of data tracking mechanism report, public dialogue and media campaign.
Posted 5th, December 2017